The Somerset Intelligence website contains a wealth of information relating to children and young people in the county. Collectively, this forms a major element to the Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the evidence base for those involved in running or commissioning services for people in the county.
Vulnerable children and young people were the primary focus of the 2015/16 Somerset JSNA Summary, published in June 2016. This brings together data and intelligence from a large number of sources, to be found in appropriate sections of this website. This webpage includes pages for a wide range of themes.
The 2015/16 JSNA Summary considered the information within a framework of:-
Considering vulnerabilities in this way helps give us a more rounded picture of the often complex issues that have an influence on children and young people.
The JSNA Summary, in turn, informed the Somerset Children and Young People's Plan 2016-2019, refreshed for 2019-22 (see below).
This is a three year Plan for all children, young people and their families living in Somerset. It has been developed with children and young people and the Somerset partnership.
The Plan supports ‘Improving Lives’ – the Somerset Health and Wellbeing strategy. Key priorities for Somerset are strengthening families and communities, the importance of partnership working, providing the tools for families to help themselves and intervening early when needed.
The vision is for children, young people and their families to be:
Happy, Healthy And Preparing For Adulthood
This has been shaped by young people themselves. They were asked about their hopes for the future and how they can be supported to thrive in Somerset. Young people said that they want to grow up in loving families and caring communities with well supported and supportive parents, families, friends, schools and the wider community.
The main priorities are for every child and young person in Somerset to have:
- Supported Families: ‘strengthening families and building resilient communities’
- Healthy Lives: ‘families making the right choices to support happy healthy lifestyles’
- Great Education: ‘high aspirations, opportunities and achievement for all’
- Positive Activities: ‘getting the most out of life through play, leisure, cultural and sporting opportunities’
Read the plan in your web browser
Download the plan as a PDF
A key element of the Children and Young People's Plan framework is Somerset's Strategy for Achieving Excellence for All 2016-2020.
To inform commissioning of local services, the SEND Improvement Board in Somerset initiated a SEND Needs Assessment. The Improvement Board includes members of Somerset County Council, Clinical Commissioning Groups, health providers, education providers, and representatives from parent-carer groups. For further information see our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) page.
For information on each of the following topics, please click on the appropriate link below:-
Health and Wellbeing:
Staying Safe
Schools, Skills and Learning
Economic Wellbeing and Inequalities
Positive Contributions
Consultation and Engagement
In 2011, there were 6,071 ‘workless’ households in Somerset with dependent children (households with no adults in employment). - 2011 Census