Welcome to our section on health and wellbeing. It includes the latest official profiles for various aspects of health, as well as links to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) section and a range of indicators mapped on INFORM Somerset.
The site also features a range of Health Profiles, published annually by the Public Health Observatories in England. These provide a snapshot of the health of a local population and highlight potential problems through comparison with regional and national averages. Most profiles are available at county and district level, while those with a more specialised focus are available only for Somerset.
We also produce a series of briefing papers on topical issues such as child poverty and life expectancy.
In summary:-
For more details of health and wellbeing issues facing Somerset, and supporting information, please go to the JSNA page.
Somerset Health Services in Numbers
A total of 31,761 Somerset residents in 2011 were born outside the UK, half of which arrived in the last 10 years. 5,287 residents were born in Poland, more than any other country outside the British Isles. - 2011 Census