Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) in Somerset
The first statutory JSNA covering the whole of Somerset was published in 2008.
In 2009 the focus was on Glastonbury and Street and in 2010 it was West Somerset.
In 2011, another full JSNA was published for Somerset and consisted of several separate sections, including chapters on housing and the health needs of older people.
In 2012, we refreshed and updated the evidence and key issues facing the people and organisations in Somerset, and also started the process to include additional information required under the Equality Act 2010 with a report from the Diversity Trust into the health and wellbeing needs of our LGBT communities. We have since added further profiles of some of the 'protected characteristics' groups here. For the first time we produced a public summary which was sent to libraries, CABs, Parish Councils, GP surgeries, stakeholders and voluntary organisations.
In 2013, following a review, we started to restructure and streamline the JSNA webpages and produced a summary of the detailed online JSNA information, in addition to the public summary. The 2013 JSNA work included a focus on children and young people.
The JSNA is now a flexible, up-to-date online resource to support commissioning decision-making. Therefore, supporting documents, insight and indicators on all aspects of health and wellbeing will be refreshed on the Somerset Intelligence website, with new pages added under the existing themes listed on the menu on the left of this page to focus on topical issues.
In 2014/15 the JSNA focused on 2 topics, young people and rurality, the summary document is available below
The 2015/16 JSNA was on Vulnerable children & young people
In 2017 the JSNA was about Ageing Well
Pages in the JSNA Archive
86.3% of people living here are very or fairly satisfied with where they live, well above the national average of 78.6% (The Place Survey, 2008).